Góra strony


Galeria Bielska BWA, Bielsko Biała, 2023

The exhibition of Olaf Brzeski, entitled “Wish” contains, in its ideological layer, thoughts that, to some extent, concern each of us: the desire for good things to happen at home, in the family, in our private plans, as well as in the world as a whole, both the one shaped by people and the one over which man has no influence. And although some of the artist’s wishes seem like pipe dreams – the fulfilment of which would be tantamount to the creation of a perfect world – they do set some kind of goal to strive for. A goal both for the individual man and for humanity as a whole.

Text: Agata Smalcerz


I wish
that you come to the gallery, see the exhibition and no one gets the 
impression that I don’t care about them, 
that no one leaves disappointed,
that this show of sculptures and objects evokes an awareness of a greater mystery, 
because perhaps there is a perceptible order and purpose behind this 
I wish for people to suffer less, especially my loved ones.
I wish for children to live without fear.
I wish for financial stability for me and my family, 
that is, that all the sculptures from this exhibition sell and end up in good hands. 
Because they are pretty and good.
I wish for the war to end and for all the dictators to go out into the world 
proclaiming love. 
And that the inhabitants of apartment number three stop spitting and throwing cigarette butts in front of our gate.

Olaf Brzeski

Photo by Krzysztof Morcinek