Góra strony




Photo: Alicja Kielan

This story combines intertwined animal-human and domestic-cosmic themes. Objects, sculptures, installations, drawings – big things are juxtaposed with small ones. I have arranged the whole linearly, like a film. A multi-genre film that is a mixture of camp, science fiction, thriller, road cinema, and poetic images in the spirit of Andrei Tarkovsky – things that have shaped my sensibility. In showing you this exhibition, I am sharing a feeling rather than a concrete message. Because I’m unable to concretize anything. I don’t have an opinion. There is too much to give an opinion on right now – in general, there is too much of everything.

But, as my friend Francis says, everything is Excellent!

Welcome to the trip!

Scene One: Exit

When I began envisioning this trip through the Oppenheims’ formerresidence, the first image that came to my mind was a cage. Acage as I remember it from childhood, from the Wrocław zoo: threemeters high, perhaps twelve square meters in size, with a treebranch in the middle and a wooden shelf where a black pantherlay. Beautiful, yet utterly meaningless… in that place. A one-roomabode of the black panther.

Years later, with the help of many people, we’ve created a similarcage – maybe a bit smaller. It now occupies the first room of theresidence. We built it only so that it could be opened, emptied,abandoned. Whatever it once contained, it can now go its ownway, free to escape this cramped space.

Only the smell and the sense of presence linger.

Scene Two: Morning

The second room is our exit into the light of morning – because, asthe old saying goes, “The morning is wiser than the evening.” Themorning brings new strategies and imaginings, encouraging us totake fresh paths and illuminating what was previously hidden inshadow. Here, we feel the joy of newly regained freedom.

Our morning is further lit by a golden chandelier, its form tracingthe flight path of a housefly. Watching its acrobatics, I can almostsense its playful spirit. It charts geometric patterns with uncannyprecision, making sharp right turns before veering into chaoticflourishes – completely uninhibited. A true flightmistress.

Scene Three: Crossroads

Now we enter a gently darkened room. We see light escapingthrough the keyhole of a non-existent door, its handle intangible.Perhaps it’s an illusion – or maybe the beginning of a newcircumstance, a perspective, a path less traveled…

Scene Four: The Ship’s Cabin

To the left is another room, its entrance blocked by a couch. Wemust squeeze through to get inside. It contains a possible image ofwhat once inhabited the cage. In my imagination, if I were to give itshape, it would be a lion. Another saying comes to mind: “To ragelike a lion in a cage.”

The lion is lying on the couch, licking a frog. This image evokesfairy tales where a prince kisses a frog, metaphorically initiating anacceptance of nature’s laws and an understanding of its guidingforces. This releases the full majesty of the protagonist’s potential,turning the toad into a royal child. The spell of illusion breaks.

This room, with its couch, is essentially the cabin of a ship. Itrepresents the state of being “in one’s own way” – whatever thatmight mean.

Scene Five: What the Lion Sees

The last room, called the “aquarium,” features an image sent toEarth by Parker’s probe during its journey to the Sun. The probe’smission still continues, though it will soon end in fire, as its orbittightens, having passed around the Sun more than twenty times.

I was deeply moved watching YouTube broadcasts of its journey,from a distance of around 160 million kilometers. There it is,traveling at 700,000 kilometers per hour, swept by the solar wind –a plasma of protons, electrons, and alpha particles. Flashes of theMilky Way and “smears” – waves? particles? – appear in front ofthe lens. I don’t know. Watching it, I felt its loneliness, its severedties, its determination, and its beauty.

Does the lion feel the same?

Olaf Brzeski